Para profesionales de la salud
Para familias
Para profesionales de la salud
Para familias
Impuestos a alimentos y bebidas no saludables
Artículos Científicos
Artículos Científicos
Obesity in Latin America, a scoping review of public health prevention strategies and an overview of their impact on obesity prevention
Assessing the impact of the Barbados sugar-sweetened beverage tax on beverage sales: an observational study
Excise taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages in Latin America and the Caribbean
Comparing taxes as a percentage of sugar-sweetened beverage prices in Latin America and the Caribbean
The political economy of sugar-sweetened beverage taxation in Latin America: lessons from Mexico, Chile and Colombia
Using nutritional survey data to inform the design of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes in low-resource contexts: a cross-sectional analysis based on data from an adult Caribbean population
Impuesto al consumo sobre las bebidas azucaradas en México